Family of Brand:

Dengta Power Source
Dengta Power Source
Dengta Power Source

Stock code:  600580

Compliance content
Compliance content

A good business ethics environment is the foundation of an enterprise's survival and development. Only when it is strong and solid, can it flourish. For the sake of our common interests and long-term goals, in order to achieve mutual benefit and win-win situation on the platform of mutual construction, in order to strengthen the stable and friendly cooperation between Wolong and its suppliers, and to ensure its development in a healthy direction, according to the Central Anti-Corruption Integrity and combined with the company's business management needs, to issue a clean initiative to supplier partners:

1. Strictly abide by the relevant laws and regulations of the state and the rules of honesty and integrity, adhere to the principles of fairness, openness, impartiality, and integrity, oppose corruption, oppose unfair competition, and never do anything that harms the interests of both of us.

2. Never give cash, articles, shopping cards, securities or other non-material benefits directly or indirectly to employees of our company (including spouses, children and relatives of employees, the same below).

3. We will never provide high-end banquets, vacations, tours, and convenience services to entertainment venues.

4. Never pay or reimburse the employees of our company for the expenses and invoices that should be borne by the company itself.

5. Never conduct material trading and intermediary activities related to our company in the form of partnerships or joint stocks with our employees.

6. Never give other illegitimate benefits to our employees other than the above.

7. Strictly abide by the contracts, agreements and memoranda signed by both parties, and provide goods, services and other contractual objects on time, quality and quantity; reasonable quotation, no commercial fraud; no shoddy, no cut corners.

8. If there are employees of our company requesting property from your company, or requesting reimbursement, or other acts involving money, your company is obliged to report to the company's Disciplinary Committee or the auditing department at the first time.

Report a complaint special email address for, private line call 0575-88615597

If the above situation occurs, according to the regulations of our company, once verified, all suppliers will be disqualified and blacklisted, and their liability for breach of contract and related legal responsibilities will be investigated.

Supplier partners, the creation of a good business ethics environment, honesty and self-discipline, cooperation and win-win is our common goal. The realization of goals requires everyone to work together and maintain together. We thank you for your consistent understanding and recognition. Thank you for your continued With cooperation and support, Wolong will also focus on building a fair and perfect procurement competition mechanism to create a broader cooperation space for quality suppliers!

Copyright:Wolong Electric Group Zhejiang Dengta Power Source Co., Ltd.   浙ICP备19045234号-1  powered